I don't know if you know this or not, but I am married to one hell of a guy. He's all around real awesome. Which definitely helped out making this Valentines Day the best Valentines Day ever. Even though I worked Monday, Zach made sure to greet me in the morning with a dozen roses. So good. So pretty. I don't care if they will die in about a week, they are pretty and romantic and wonderful. That day at work everyone brought in a ton of sweets and the day went by super fast. Zach and I thought about going out to dinner and a movie but then we decided to skip the crowds. After work I headed to Trader Joes (I'm there at least every other day) to pick up some marinated beef yumminess, wine, and peanut butter filled pretzels. While we were waiting for dinner we exchanged our sweet gifts. Zach got me an adorable envelope necklace and some delicious Aveda Comfort Tea. I refused to buy it for myself because it's expensive for tea! Which makes it the perfect gift!
45 minutes later our delicious dinner was ready! Beef yumminess, kale, and corn. So delicious. So we cozied up with our movie, some wine, and some oh-so-sinfully-delcious chocolates and enjoyed our wonderful night together.
Basically what I am getting at is that Me + Zach = Big Love. I made a diagram for you.
You are too cute :)